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Low Reorder

Just $39.00 per license

Compatibility: EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5
Latest release: 3.1.2 (released 2019-05-09)
Licensing: Commercial License Agreement

Entries tag

{exp:low_reorder:entries set="my_set" disable="member_data|category_fields"}
  {if count == 1}<ol>{/if}
  {if count == total_results}</ol>{/if}

The Entries tag supports all channel:entries parameters and variables. Any filters will be overridden by the given parameters, unless you set force_set_params to yes. The dynamic parameter is automatically set to no, if not explicitly set to yes.

Parameters for the Entries tag pair
Parameter Description
set The ID or name of the Low Reorder Set. This is a required field.
fallback Set to yes if you want to fall back to the regular channel:entries tag when no valid Low Reorder Set is found, instead of triggering no_results data.
force_set_params Set to yes if you want to override tag parameters with the Set’s filter settings.
reverse_count Set to customize the name of the reverse_count variable.
prefix If set, the tag will parse variables that have the given prefix, eg. {prefix_title}. Use to avoid variable name conflicts when nesting this tag in other tags.
Extra variables for the Entries tag pairs
Variable Description
{low_reorder_category_id} The category ID of given Low Reorder Set.
{low_reorder_set_id} The Set ID of given Low Reorder Set.
{reverse_count} Like {count}, but reversed: from {total_results} to 1.

Next entry tag

{exp:low_reorder:next_entry set="my_set" url_title="{segment_2}"}
  Next: <a href="{path="services/{url_title}"}">{title}</a>
  {if no_results}This is the last page{/if}

Displays the next entry in the set based on given entry_id or url_title. Works like its Channel module relative.

Parameters for Next entry tag pair
Parameter Description
set The ID or name of the Low Reorder Set. This is a required field.
entry_id Entry id of the current entry. If not defined, you must define the url_title.
url_title Url title of the current entry. If not defined, you must define the entry_id.
category Category id of the current entry. Use in combination with ordered entries that are put in a single category.
loop If set to yes, the entry lookup will work in a loop, returning the first one when viewing the last and vice versa.
prefix If set, the tag will parse variables that have the given prefix, eg. {prefix_title}. Use to avoid variable name conflicts when nesting this tag in other tags.
no_results If defined, the tag will return its value when there’s no previous or next entry. This value will override the {if no_results} conditional.
Variables inside Next and Previous entry tag pairs
Variable Description
{entry_id} Entry id of the next/previous entry.
{url_title} Url title of the next/previous entry.
{title} Title of the next/previous entry.
{page_uri} The Pages URI next/previous entry.
{page_url} The Pages URL next/previous entry.

Previous entry tag

{exp:low_reorder:prev_entry set="1" url_title="{segment_2}"}
  Previous: <a href="{path="services/{url_title}"}">{title}</a>
  {if no_results}This is the first page{/if}

Displays the previous entry in the set based on given entry_id or url_title. Works like its Channel module relative. See Next entry tag for available parameters and variables.

Entry IDs tag

{exp:low_reorder:entry_ids set="1" separator=","}
{exp:low_reorder:entry_ids set="1"}

The Entry IDs tag will return a pipe-separated list of ordered entry IDs in the given set. You can use both the single tag syntax as the tag pair syntax. If you’re using it as a tag pair, use the variable {low_reorder:entry_ids} to output the entry IDs.

Parameters for Entry IDs tag
Parameter Description
set The ID or name of the Low Reorder Set. This is a required field.
category Category id of the Low Reorder Set. Use in combination with ordered entries that are put in a single category.
separator The character used to separate the entry IDs. Defaults to |
no_results If defined, the tag will return its value when there are no matching entry IDs. This value will override the {if no_results} conditional.

Entry index tag

{exp:low_reorder:entry_index set="1" entry_id="5"}

Use this tag to get an entry’s index in a given set.

Parameters for Entry index tag
Parameter Description
set The ID or name of the Low Reorder Set. This is a required field.
category Category id of the Low Reorder Set. Use in combination with ordered entries that are put in a single category.
entry_id Entry ID of the targeted entry in the Set. This is a required field.

Total entries tag

{exp:low_reorder:total_entries set="2" category="8"}

Use this tag to get the total amount of entries in a Set.

Parameters for Total entries tag
Parameter Description
set The ID or name of the Low Reorder Set. This is a required field.
category Category ID of the Low Reorder Set. Use in combination with ordered entries that are put in a single category.

Pad tag

{exp:low_reorder:pad input="{count}" length="3"}

Use this tag to add padding to the value in the input value, like the str_pad() function in PHP.

Parameters for Pad entry tag
Parameter Description
input The input string to apply the padding to.
length Total length of the padded input. This is a required parameter.
string Characters to use for the padding. Defaults to 0.
type Either left or right. Defaults to left.

Compatible add-ons

Some other add-ons are compatible with Low Reorder, in that they can display (filtered) entries by Low Reorder Set. For these add-ons, use orderby="low_reorder:set_name", along with the category parameter to target the right Low Reorder Set. Add-ons currently supported are: