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Basic Search exact Match on Title only

Dan Cooper 10 Apr 2020 02:41 question, complete

Sorry, a very part-time user of EE and every time it's like getting on the bike for the first time. But when it me fly.

I am a first time user of Low search. I want a simple search;
-to search a single channel for an exact match based on only the channel entry Title which is between 4-7 Numbers and unique. The Numbers represent an ID that the User knows.

A successful search will bring the 'searcher' to the result page for that single entry or if no title matches to a no results page.

This is what I used with EE simple search:

{exp:search:simple_form channel="carepackage" status="open" result_page="site/guidlines_en" no_result_page="site/noresults_en"}

User ID:


Works great when User enters correct ID (title)

BIG BUT However, the simple search results will show multiple results if the User only enters 3 numbers (if those three are in multiple titles)

Can anyone point me in the right direction the Documentation great but my head spins?

This is a simple site and quick turn around. Many thanks for any help


  1. Dan Cooper 10 Apr 2020 03:25

    It looks like I figured it out with the help of another thread. ManyThanks

  2. Low 10 Apr 2020 06:40

    For visibility, use this in the form:

    <input name="search:title">

    and this in the Results tag:


  3. Dan Cooper 10 Apr 2020 12:59

    Thank you, Low, so simple so clean.