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Low Search, no results on prod server, 403 forbidden error from local MAMP

iameric 5 Apr 2020 07:59 problem, complete

I am facing issues with a site's search, using Low Search 6.2.0, EE 5.3 - content is contained in Fluid Fields (and sometimes EE Harbor's WYGWAM within the fluid fields)

On the live site the results simply display "No search results for ." - notice the missing keyword(s).

On my local dev version (MAMP) I arrive to a 413 Forbidden page with the following message:
You don't have permission to access /index.php/index.php/search/results/eyjyzxn1bhrfcg.... so forth and so on

Search Template (important part):
{exp:low_search:form result_page="search/results" required="keywords"}

Results Template (important part):
{if low_search_no_results}
No search results for {low_search_keywords}.
{if suggestion_count == 1}Did you mean{/if} {suggestion}{if suggestion_count != total_suggestions} or{if:else}?{/if}
{if no_suggestions}Check your spelling or try a different search term.{/if}

I am pretty sure that this worked all previously, so I can't imagine it is some type of bug, but perhaps someone sees that something is out of place???

Thank you!!


  1. Low 6 Apr 2020 08:22

    Looking at that encoded string, it's all in lowercase. This should not be, as it's case sensitive, and the base64-encoded string needs uppercase characters. There might be a rewrite rule in your htaccess to convert it all to lowercase, which you should remove here.

  2. iameric 7 Apr 2020 06:18

    You nailed it! I had a feeling it was a recent change since I know it worked quite recently!! Thank you very much!!