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First time Alphabet user: trying to group entries that start with a digit

Paul Larson 3 Jul 2019 19:03 question, complete


A client has a website for which only certain items are on sale (online). But, entries with numerical titles are floating to the top, hiding the commerce items further down the page.

So far, with Low Alphabet, I've successfully moved numerical-heavy entries to the bottom of the list. (E.g. 1234-SWB, 604-FB are moved to the bottom).

But for some reason, I can't get entries starting with 'A-4' to move to the bottom. I added alpha-ignore='A-', but maybe I'm mis-using it. Here is a screenshot:

Here is my template code:

{exp:low_alphabet:entries numbers='after' group_numbers='yes' alpha_ignore='A-' alpha_field='website_product_name' channel='barstool' category='{segment_category_ids}' dynamic='no' orderby='website_product_name' sort='asc' limit='999' disable='member_data|pagination'}

{if website_product_name}{website_product_name}{if:else}{title}{/if}


I realize "A-405" is theoretically correct in terms of alpha sorting, but maybe alpha-ignore for "A-4" isn't what I'm after?


  1. Low 4 Jul 2019 07:00

    The alpha_ignore attribute will take words to ignore, which should be at the beginning of the string, followed by a space. "A-405" is considered a single word, "A 405" would be considered 2, and therefore able to ignore the A.

    In this case, LA works as designed, and the alpha_ignore param won't do what you're after, I'm afraid.