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PHP fatal error with Grid Fields and Low Variables on EE5

Piper LeMoine 13 Jan 2019 02:48 problem, complete

Hi there!

We're migrating to EE 5 and I'm having an issue with grid fields and Low Variables. Specifically, it's throwing a PHP error (attached).

I downloaded the latest version of Low Variables from the site and installed it, so it's running 3.2.0. Something else weird here, though: the "upgrade to 3.2.0" button is there too even though it's already on 3.2.0.

Is there a patch somewhere I can apply? At the moment, I'm unable to create any new variables in this add-on.



  1. Low 14 Jan 2019 07:42

    Can't reproduce, so I'll need to take a look myself. Please send SuperAdmin login credentials to hi at gotolow dot com if you can.

  2. Piper LeMoine 14 Jan 2019 16:06

    Thanks for your response, Low. Unfortunately this is a development site behind our firewall and only accessible through VPN. Is there any kind of debug code I could insert somewhere to get a screenshot to give you any clues?

  3. Low 15 Jan 2019 07:50

    Pretty hard to debug like that. Most likely, I'd need to add some breakpoints in the code itself, so that'd mean ftp-access too.

    Can you try and reproduce this error on a clean installation?

  4. Piper LeMoine 25 Jan 2019 13:10

    Hey Low,

    So, it turns out I had to uninstall and reinstall the Rich Text Editor, then I was able to edit the grid fields and absolve Low Variables of any kind of guilt. ;) Got the lead here:

    Also, for your purposes, when I did this, I no longer saw the upgrade to 3.2.0 button next to Low Variables.