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Low Variables / Assets bug within embedded templates.

Jason Boothman 31 Jul 2018 12:33 problem, active

I have an Assets field in Low Variables. If there is no file uploaded to that field and I call that field in a normal template, everything works fine.

If there is no data in that field, and I call it within an embedded template, no Assets fields (even ones within the channel entry tag) work.


  1. Low 31 Jul 2018 12:36

    You might wanna ask EE Harbor about it. Since LV calls and returns Assets data, the issue most likely lies there.

  2. Jason Boothman 31 Jul 2018 12:37

    I had briefly said something and they mentioned talking to you. I will officially post something to them.

  3. Low 31 Jul 2018 12:39

    It might depend on how exactly you're "calling it", so can you share your template code? You can use for large chunks of code.