Problem with data from lv loop in channel entries
In my site footer i have a low variables matrix field for partner logos and another for locations that includes an image for the country flag. When i try to use a channel entries tag to list recent news after using low variables, the image associated with the news stories does not show correctly. Instead the image from the first item in the last lv loop repeats.
you can see in my screenshots that if i feed the news after the partners, the first partner's logo repeats on the news items. if i put the news after the locations, the first flag is repeated in the news items.
I am running EE 4.2.1 and LV 3.1.0.
Please advise.
Low 23 Apr 2018 06:10
You might be nesting tags here, where the outer tag already parses the image, after which the inner tag loops the already parsed image.
Share your template code to make sure -- you can use something like for large chunks of code, as GetSat isn't optimal for code sharing.
ebreezy 24 Apr 2018 01:02
Hi. Thanks for the response. I don't think there is any nesting issues. I will paste what is in the footer below. I have tested in on my 404 page that has no other loops and same result.
<!-- begin partner carousel --->
{exp:low_variables:pair var='lv-partners'}
{exp:ce_img:pair src='{image}' width='300' height='180' allow_scale_larger='yes' crop='yes' filter='grayscale' hash_filename='yes'}
<!-- end partner carousel --->
<!-- begin channel entries for news --->
{exp:channel:entries channel='news|events' disable='member_data|pagination|categories' limit='4' status='not closed' dynamic='no'}
{if count == '1'}
What's New
{page_images limit='1'}{image}{exp:ce_img:pair src='{url}' width='60' height='60' crop='yes' quality='65'}
{if count == total_results}
<!-- end channel entries for news --->
{exp:low_variables:pair var='lv-contact'}
{image}{exp:ce_img:pair src='{url}' width='40' height='25' crop='yes' allow_scale_larger='yes' quality='65'}
{street} {if street2}
{if city}
{city}{if state}, {/if}{/if} {state} {zip}
ebreezy 24 Apr 2018 01:18
Low 24 Apr 2018 06:16
I'll need to take a look myself. Please send SuperAdmin login credentials to hi at gotolow dot com if you can.
Low 25 Apr 2018 06:20
Turns out this is a Matrix/Assets issue.