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Properties of "select files" field type

Kevin Beick 17 Jan 2018 20:22 idea, pending

I'd like to be able to access the properties of an image file in the "Select Files" field type. Stuff like the description, upload data, etc. Also, being able to use wrap="image" and wrap="link" would be nice.


  1. Low 18 Jan 2018 08:07

    Right now, the Select Files var type is designed so you can use it as a late parsed variable -- it stores the full URL to the image. Like that, you can use something like this:

    <img src="{lv_my_select_files_var}">

    ...and it would work.

    Adding the features you mention will add more overhead to the processing, and might render the above not usable, because there will be unparsed {filedir_x} vars left.

    But I'll consider it, especially if this request gets more support.

  2. Kevin Beick 18 Jan 2018 17:39

    Thanks Low. I was just hoping to add it to the list of feature requests. I appreciate the response!

  3. Benoit Lemay 28 Nov 2018 18:14

    +1. .I need to use the Credit of the files, and description as alt="".. for SEO and USage Rights..