Low Reorder numbering - Can I show the set count (ee3)?
Hi there. Hope you can help with a Low Reorder question.
I'm trying to:
- Show two lists of entries from the same set, grouped by 'primary' and 'secondary' categories.
- Show the 'reorder number' before each title.
So I'd like to render the re-ordered count number for each entry, so that the first group goes '1, 2, 3', and the second continues, '4, 5, 6', – the same number as shown in the admin re-order screen. Currently, the second set restarts the count from '1'. Can you help (not sure I should be using the Count tag)? Here's the current code.
Thanks, Reg
Low 13 Aug 2017 08:24
The {count} var is the one the native channel:entries tag handles, and therefore works the same as though you would have multiple channel:entries tags in a template.
Low Reorder doesn't give you the functionality you're after. Look into other add-ons, like Stash, that allow you to save a variable and increment it across other tags. That, or PHP on output.
Reg Tait 14 Aug 2017 11:30
Thanks for the reply—not the answer I hoped for, but it saved some time. I'll look at the Stash add-on—appreciated.