Low Alphabet does not work for french caracters
I installed Low Alphabet to display a list on entry filter by letters. The problem is when the first letter of the title is an accented characters (Ex.: É, À, Ç)
The entry is not filter correctly under it's first letter like it should. (Ex.: É is listed under the letter "C" and not "E")
Take a look here: http://www.dorvaldev.info/fr/la-cite/...
Is there a fix for that?
Best regards!
Low 26 Mar 2017 07:34
It should work. I'll need to take a look myself. Please send SuperAdmin and FTP login credentials to hi at gotolow dot com if you can.
Low 27 Mar 2017 16:07
Okay, I've tweaked Low Alphabet's clean string function, so it works now. I'll make sure that bug is fixed in the next version.