Low Yearly Archives with EE3
Im trying to use Low Yearly Archives to show a list months with a list to an individual month of articles.
I also want to show a list of years excluding the current year so the page will look something like this:
Ive had this running on EE2 but can't get it to work on EE3
Here is the code:
EE->localize->format_date("%Y", $this->EE->localize->now);
{exp:low_yearly_archives channel="news" start_month="1" status="not closed" sort="desc" show_future_entries="no" start_year="" end_year="" dynamic="yes"}
{if num_entries > 0}
{month} | {num_entries}
{exp:low_yearly_archives channel="news" status="not closed" sort="desc" end_year="" dynamic="no"}
{if year == ""}
{if entries_in_year > 0}
Low 24 Feb 2017 13:39
Looks like your code was messed up by GetSat. Can you try again? You can use http://pastie.org/ or http://pastebin.com/ for large chunks of code.
Low 24 Feb 2017 13:40
Never mind, I see your EESE post. Will reply there.