No results when setting up low search
I am new to Low Search, having just set it up pretty much identically to this example:
I get "no results" no matter what term I search for.
The main difference, as far as I can tell, is that I pass in the keyword from a GET variable:
{exp:low_search:results keywords:lang="en" keywords:inflect="yes" query="" result_page="search/index" limit="10"}
{if count == 1}
- {/if}
- {title}
{if count == total_results}
{if low_search_no_results}
No search results. Searched for {low_search_keywords}.
{exp:low_search:suggestions keywords="{low_search_keywords}" keywords:lang="en" limit="2"}
{if suggestion_count == 1}Did you mean{/if}
{suggestion}{if suggestion_count != total_suggestions} or {if:else}?{/if}
{if no_suggestions}Check your spelling or try a different search term.{/if}
Would that be the problem? I've tried setting up collections but this didn't help, I'm still getting No Results on all searches.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
Low 8 Oct 2016 10:15
So you've set the Encode Query setting to No and you're using the Form tag?
You need to make sure you've set up at least one Collection where you've assigned a weight of 1 or up to at least one field. Then build the index for that collection.
Then you need to make sure the entries that you're searching through aren't filtered out by EE's native filters (things like status, show_expired).
Note that, if your collections are set up correctly, you might get no results when there's only a small amount of entries. This is how MySQL handles its full-text index. Adding more content will help in that case.
To find out where exactly the no_results is triggered, you can enable template debugging and look up all the lines that mention Low Search. What does that tell you?