how to display keywords in url in plain text (not encoded)
when searching for "test", the url becomes "dGVzdA" - how to switch to plain text that ist not encoded? Playing with the "decode" and "format" params didn't succeed.
2. does fill the correct keywords in the search input fills in "M10o93H7pQ09L8X1t49cHY01Z5j4TT91fGfr" instead of the keyword "test". Both of them are built identically - what's going on here??
excellent plugin for creating a GSS in EE, thanks!
Low 27 Mar 2016 13:53
You should be able to get the decoded keywords using the Keywords tag.
Low 27 Mar 2016 14:11
1. The text in the URI will always be encoded, in order to be URL-safe. Low GoogleSearch doesn't offer a way to circumvent this.
2. Can you share the template code for both tags? You can use or for large chunks of code. Also, if you enable the template debugger, you might be able to see what's going on, too. What does that tell you?
Achim Schlemmer 27 Mar 2016 14:27
@1. OK, thanks for info!
@2. here are both code snippets: -- they are more or less identical!
(template debugger -- have to check with EE admin)
Low 27 Mar 2016 14:36
It's probably a parse order issue. If the tag in itself works as expected without nesting it in other tags, then LGS works just fine. I'd add/remove surrounding tags until you find the culprit here.
Achim Schlemmer 27 Mar 2016 14:46
crazy. In the first case, nesting with switchee tags works like a charm, in the second case, almost indentical, nesting works not.
Have to dig in deeper to solve this. Thanks!