Getting accurate result counts, instead of approx_results
In Low_googlesearch, how can I use rc=1 parameters to get accurate result counts instead of 'approx_results', so I can use accurate page numbering?
In Low_googlesearch, how can I use rc=1 parameters to get accurate result counts instead of 'approx_results', so I can use accurate page numbering?
Low 20 Oct 2015 19:54
Not supported right now, but you can send the rc-parameter with a small hack.
Just open mod.low_googlesearch.php and look up the $_all_params array on line 101. Then add 'rc' to it, so the line 106 reads:
Then you should be able to use {exp:low_googlesearch:results rc="1"}.
kyle bertelsen 21 Oct 2015 14:00
Thanks! I'm implementing now.
kyle bertelsen 27 Oct 2015 18:09
This doesn't seem to do what I'm looking for. In fact, I'm not seeing a difference at all. Is there another variable I should be using in my templates to reflect the more-accurate counts?
Everything in the plug-in seems to be using the approx_results, rather than any kind of more accurate count.
Sample of what I'm using to display counts:
' {approx_results} {exp:mx_plural qty="{approx_results}" str="result|results"} for "{keywords}"'
Low 27 Oct 2015 18:32
Hmm, I'm wondering if the rc-parameter is actually supported by Google's current API.
Can you send me your full {exp:low_googlesearch:results} tag? hi at gotolow dot com.