Pagination Problem With Low GoogleSearch
Hello Low,
I can't get pagination to carry through to the next page. Can you advise please?
Here's a results URL
The first page returns 29 results, but the following pages return just 10 results so the pagination is being dropped.
I'm basically using the example template code on your documentation page.
{if total_pages > 1}
Page {current_page} of {total_pages}
{if previous_path}Previous page{/if}
{if is_active}
{if next_path}Next page{/if}
Low 17 Sep 2015 21:09
This is due to Googles "approximate results" value that is returned by the API and is used by LGS for generating the pagination. It's not something the add-on can compensate for, as it is a direct value derived from wat was given by Google. Practically, it means that the approximate total of results can differ from one page to the next.
See also:
Andy Degtev 18 Sep 2015 07:58
That makes perfect sense it's a brand new site and Google have only just started to index it.
Thank you for your help.