New entries don't show up on website until "Save" is clicked in Low Reorder
Hey there,
We are using Low Reorder to show a bunch of entries on a resource page. It works great for the most part, but the client has noticed that when he creates a new entry it won't show up on the frontend of the site until he goes into Low Reorder and saves the set again.
I'm attaching a screenshot of our settings for the set - we have prepend turned on and are not limiting by category.
We are using categories for these entries, though if that makes a difference.
Here's the tag:
{exp:low_reorder:entries set="reorder_resources" disable="member_data|pagination|trackbacks" dynamic="no"}
He'd really like to not have to remember to re-save the order every time he posts something. Is that possible?
Low 10 Jul 2015 08:27
That shouldn't happen. What are your EE and LR versions?
Jonathan Longnecker 10 Jul 2015 10:46
LR 2.3.0
EE 2.9.2
Low 10 Jul 2015 11:05
I'll need to take a look myself. Please send SuperAdmin login credentials to hi at gotolow dot com if you can.
Low 10 Jul 2015 14:10
For visibility: