Low Search not indexing Tagger tags correctly
I am using Low Search on my site to do keywords search. I have created a collection on a single channel with 3 fields with weights - title, description, and tags(Tagger field).
I am able to get search results for title and description matching fine. However, the Tagger field results are not accurate. It seems that the index did not complete? Most tags will not return any results. I tested by changing the weights and giving Tagger weight of 3, while reducing the other two to 0 and re-building index. For most of my tags I am getting no results. I checked the exp_low_search_indexes table and while there are 999 entries in there, only 3 entries actually have index_text filled out. If I use the words in these entries I am getting 1 result. What am I missing?
Also, is there a cap on the index being created to restrict it to 999?
My code is here : http://collabedit.com/yhetv
Thank you so much in advance.
Low 26 Jun 2015 06:59
I'll need to take a look myself. Please send SuperAdmin login credentials to hi at gotolow dot com if you can.
PN 26 Jun 2015 15:58
Low, thanks for your response. Is there anyway to troubleshoot this problem without giving you superadmin access to our site?
Low 28 Jun 2015 10:13
Well, that complicates things. There's a couple of things I want to check out, which would be much faster if I take a look myself.
There's no cap you mention.
I'd need to know:
- PHP, EE and LS versions;
- Is the Tagger field searchable and weighted, and is the add-on on the latest version?
- When building the index, do you get an error message of some sorts?
- Are you using any other add-ons (like Publisher) that might interfere?
It's strange there is nothing in the index itself. It's looking like the field doesn't return anything searchable. But I cannot reproduce myself, so need to check your installation to get to the bottom of it.