Search for at&t returning many results
We are searching a business directory (using low search) for at&t and we are getting many results returned. Is there a way to return only businesses with the title AT&T?
We are searching a business directory (using low search) for at&t and we are getting many results returned. Is there a way to return only businesses with the title AT&T?
Low 11 Feb 2015 17:40
If you're using the Keywords filter, the keywords will be sanitized before searching the index (which has been sanitized in the same fashion). That means all punctuation is replaced by a space, so "AT&T" will in fact be "AT T". If the search mode for the keywords is "any", then it will search for "at" or "t", of which there are probably a lot. You could improve search results by setting the mode to "all" or "exact".
You can consider using the Field Search filter, which can target the Title field directly (using search:title="AT&T").