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Low Search: Case Sensitivity in Searching by Relationship Title

Stoyan Vasilev 9 Dec 2014 20:26 problem, complete

Hi Low,

We have the following problem.

- We have Events and Venues channels.
- We have a Venues field (part of the Events channel) which is a native multi relationship field to the Venues channel.
- We are using Low Search to search within the Events collection using the title of a Venue entry as a keyword.
- The Venues field in the Events channel is searchable and has priority of 2 in the Events Collection settings.

- When we enter a Venue name in letter case, ex. "Southern Exposure" and select the Events collection everything works.
- When we enter the same venue name in lower case, ex "southern exposure" and select the Events collection we either get no results or far fewer results (possibly based on a field different from the relationship field).



  1. Low 9 Dec 2014 21:56

    I'll need some more info:

    - What are your PHP, EE and LS versions?
    - What is your template code for the Form and Results tags? You can use or for large chunks of code.
    - What is the URI for a search result that doesn't give the right results?
    - For ditto page, if you enable the output profiler, can you see the query that is produced by the lsf.keywords.php file? What does that say?
    - What's the output of the Template Debugger for such a page?

  2. Stoyan Vasilev 10 Dec 2014 01:13


    We turned off the query string encryption and were able to see that our JS replacement for one of the HTML dropdowns is appending an extra query parameter which is empty/faulty (which filters the results to a much smaller set). Without the extra parameter everything seems to be working.

    We will troubleshoot our JS, turn the query segment encryption back on, and if everything works we'll close the thread. If we have any questions we'll post them here.


  3. Low 10 Dec 2014 08:17

    Ah, that might well be it, yes. Let me know how you get on.

  4. Stoyan Vasilev 30 Dec 2014 15:29

    Yes, that was the problem. We removed the extra/faulty filter and everything works now. Thanks.