Set Search Fields Filter Not Filtering Correctly
I am trying to filter a low reorder set using the search field filters for an exact match and have attempted to use = which returns no results and \W which then brings up a database error.
I am trying to filter a low reorder set using the search field filters for an exact match and have attempted to use = which returns no results and \W which then brings up a database error.
Low 12 Aug 2014 20:33
What is the type of the field you're targeting, and what is a sample value of that field? Also, what are your LR, EE and PHP versions?
Edolyne Long 12 Aug 2014 20:40
The field is a playa relationship with a value of it. Aside: it's a url-title that can't be easily changed as we just talked though that scenario.
We are currently running:
LR v2.2.2
EE v2.8.1
PHP v5.3.27
Low 12 Aug 2014 20:43
Open up base.low_reorder.php and look up line 527 (using version 2.2.3) which reads:
Change that to:
...and you should be able to use the '\W' syntax without errors. At least that will get the field search filtering working as designed.