Error in example form code
When I try to use the example form found here (, copied and pasted into a blank template, I get the following error:
"You have an invalid conditional in your template. Please review your conditionals for an unclosed string, invalid operators, a missing }, or a missing {/if}.
Parser State: Unexpected end of on line 6; expected ENDIF tag for opening on line 3."
Am I doing something wrong, or is there some error in the example code?
Gary Reckard 1 Aug 2014 16:13
After picking through the example code, I do now see that there are several places that aren't intended to be just pasted and used right away (need to be customized for the particular site/setup)...
Gary Reckard 1 Aug 2014 16:19
Narrowing it down further, I've found that particular error comes from the example code for the "Price Range" section.
Gary Reckard 1 Aug 2014 16:51
Jesus! Would you believe, all of that was caused by the hyphen (—) between the "to" and "from" fields? I replaced it with a - and it worked fine. Weird!
Low 1 Aug 2014 17:21
Strange indeed! But glad you figured it out. :)