Low Upcoming Events
I'm trying to show upcoming events based on the title of a training course. The idea is having an individual page with the course description and upcoming events for that particular course. How would I go about doing that. I have Low Events and Low Search. Thanks!
Low 15 Jul 2014 18:48
Depending on how your setup is, you could use the Low Events Entries tag and a search:some_field="=some title" parameter to get only the events where the some_field field equals "some title".
Otherwise, if you're using a relationship field, you could use the Low Search Results tag using the Relationships filter and the Low Events parameters on the Results tag.
Rick Smith 16 Jul 2014 18:11
Thanks for there quick reply. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time getting this work since I am searching a Playa ({sp_course_name}) field.
Here's what I have:
<h2>Upcoming Events</h2>
{exp:low_search:results query="{segment_3}" limit="10" channel="training_schedule"}
{if s_dates:one_day == 'y'}
{s_dates:end_date format="%M %j, %Y"}
{s_dates:start_date format="%M %j"} - {s_dates:end_date format="%M %j, %Y"}
Can you help tell which parameters/filters need to be plugged into the low_search:results tag?
Low 17 Jul 2014 07:15
You can just hard-code the parameters in the Results tag, and omit the query="" parameter, since you're not submitting a form to get the entries.
You'll need the Relationships filter and the low_events:param parameters.
I also offer an Implementation Aid service, if you'd like to get it done by myself.