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Why does my low search have no results?

jbakse 8 Jul 2014 19:32 question, complete

I have installed low search and created two collections with all fields given a weight of 1. I've been trying to get a basic search to work and every search come back with no results. At this point, I'm trying to just get examples from the docs to work and am stuck.

I have the following code in m template. The popular tags section is populated correctly, the collections section is populated correctly. The keywords section is empty, the results section is showing the no_results content.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

{exp:low_search:form result_page="search/low"}





{exp:low_search:keywords query="{segment_3}"}

{exp:low_search:results query="{segment_3}" limit="10"}
{if count == 1}

  1. {title}

  2. {if count == total_results}
{if no_results}No search results{/if}

{exp:low_search:popular limit="10"}
{if count == 1}
  • {keywords}: {search_count}

  • {if count == total_results}

{if count == 1}
  • {collection_label}

  • {if count == total_results}



  1. Low 8 Jul 2014 19:38

    Can you re-paste your template? GetSat strips out some html. You can use or for large chunks of code.

    Then, what are your LS, EE and PHP versions?
    Can you turn on template debugging and look up all lines mentioning Low Search for such a search, and copy/paste those here?

  2. jbakse 8 Jul 2014 19:46

    LS: 3.1.6
    EE: Core v2.7.2
    PHP: 5.3.10

    The debug info:

    Line 32 might be interesting, it looks like the keywords for the search are not coming through (but they are getting logged and do show up in the :popular)

    The template:

  3. Low 8 Jul 2014 19:51

    Ah, looks like you've got a rule somewhere that transforms your URLs to lowercase. The encoded query is case sensitive, so changing that to lowercase makes the query invalid. I'd suggest disabling that rule.

  4. jbakse 8 Jul 2014 20:09

    That is indeed it.