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Next/Previous tags returning current page

aaron.e.russell 8 May 2014 18:12 question, complete

I'm having a problem with Low Reorder where exp:low_reorder:prev_entry and exp:low_reorder:next_entry are returning the current page in {url_title}. Here's some of the code I'm testing:

{exp:low_reorder:prev_entry set="a25" url_title="{segment_3}"}
Previous: {title}
{if no_results}This is the first page{/if}

When I'm ending up with is a link to the page that I'm currently on, not the previous one. The "Next Page" link is having the same problem. There are currently 3 items in the set. I'm using Low Reorder 2.2.3, EE 2.8.1, PHP 5.3. Any ideas? Thanks, Aaron


  1. aaron.e.russell 8 May 2014 18:14

    Sorry, the code went through funny. Trying again:

    {exp:low_reorder:prev_entry set="a25" url_title="{segment_3}"}
    Previous: <a href="{path="A25/item/{url_title}"}">{title}</a>
    {if no_results}This is the first page{/if}

  2. aaron.e.russell 8 May 2014 21:43

    Never mind. I fixed it by adding a prefix to the next/previous title tags.

  3. Low 9 May 2014 07:14

    Cool, glad you got it working.