Multiple search forms...
We have some pages of our site that contain two search forms
Both have slightly different functionally and both work fine as they have different ID's e.g. form_id="".
It all works very well until we forget to put in a keyword. If one of the forms DOES NOT contain a keyword BOTH forms report an error.
We're using the {if low_search_keywords_missing} tag to style and give warnings.
I'm guessing there isn't a way around this, any thoughts greatly appreciated.
Low 2 May 2014 15:27
I'm guessing keywords are required for both forms? if so, LS cannot see which form was submitted, so both will trigger the 'missing' conditional.
You could try and add a hidden input field to each form, for example
...and value="2" for the other form. Then use {if low_search_form == 1}...{/if} to make sure the error is only triggered when that form is submitted.
Paul Cripps 2 May 2014 15:29
Genius, thank you, I'll give that a go.