Error from TAF FF templates when I try to access upgraded Low Vars via CP
I've just upgraded from 1.3.5 to the latest version, for some reason I'm getting this error, while trying to access the module settings:
Call to undefined method EE_Fieldtype::EE_Fieldtype() in /var/www/...../public_html/system/expressionengine/third_party/taf_freeform_templates/ft.taf_freeform_templates.php on line 48
I know that this from another plug-in, but this somehow happened since I updated the Low Variables.
Do you have any idea what can be done in this case, or better to ask TAF freeform templates support
Low 2 May 2014 15:22
As you suspected, this is not an error caused by Low Variables. They probably have a mention of parent::EE_Fieldtype() instead of parent::__construct() in its constructor. Not something I can fix.
vlado 2 May 2014 15:31
I see - Okay - I'll try to get this sorted and access the new version of your add-on's settings.
I'll let you know if I experience some problems.