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Low Search Feature Questions

Jason Boothman 9 Apr 2014 15:08 question, complete

I have two questions regarding Low Search before we purchase it.

Firstly, does the Find & Replace just search text or can you use it to find and replace HTML as well? Or use it to wrap certain text in HTML.

Secondly, I noticed that you can give weight to results, but there is no way to set suggested results. For example: As a University, when someone search for the term "Art" I might want our "Visual Arts" page to be at the top of the list and highlighted. Is there any plan to implement this sort of thing in the future?



  1. Low 9 Apr 2014 15:37

    Find & Replace will replace any raw text inside a given field. If it contains HTML, it will treat it as normal text.

    Suggested results aren't planned at the moment, but it could make for an interesting Feature Request. Also, similar functionality might already be possible with some clever templating and setup.

  2. Jason Boothman 9 Apr 2014 15:41

    Thanks for the quick reply. I'd like to clarify on the Find & Replace a little more if I can.

    We use Wygwam for our text area fields. So for example, if I flip over to source and it has made a character bold using a 'b' - I can use the Find & Replace feature to search for 'b' and replace it with 'strong', as an example (I would use the > and < of course, but it wouldn't let me type them in here correctly)?

    Or - search everywhere for the text (assume this isn't linked) and replace it with the href code to make it an actual link to turn it into a link and it will display in the text area like normal (showing the text but showing the link html when I click source)?

  3. Low 9 Apr 2014 15:50

    Sure, you could search for "<b>" and replace that with "<strong>", after which you'd want to search for "</b>" and replace that with "</strong>"

    In the same way, you could search for "" and replace that with:

    <a href=""></a>

    You just have to be careful if the text is not linked already.

    The utility will present you with a preview of the matched fields, as seen here so you can choose which entries to target.

  4. Jason Boothman 9 Apr 2014 15:56

    Awesome, thank you very much!

  5. Jason Boothman 9 Apr 2014 17:04

    As for the suggested results - it's a feature that was available with the CMS that we are migrating from. It came in VERY helpful as we could use it to display results that we knew they were looking for, but weren't sure what to search for. You would enter a search term or terms, and then link it to pieces of content.

    If this could be a feature request it would be very cool!

  6. Low 9 Apr 2014 18:19

    It's noted.

    For now, you might be able to mimic it as a separate list by reserving a dedicated field for an entry and using something like search:suggestion="{low_search_keywords}" to get a list of suggestions. Would only work for a single channel, tho.

    There also might be other creative ways to get to it -- might be worth a question over at http://expressionengine.stackexchange...