Location of Low-Variable content in SQL-database
I am very satisfied with Low-Variables.
I have a small problems with fully replacing files that became corrupt. This was not critical since I run weekly backups. (i simply used touch *.* to update the time stamps so the "older" backup files appeared as "newer", went to low variables and "saved changes" to replace.
I thought I'd see if I could find the saved plain text content of a recently edited textarea in my daily backup of the sql data-base.
However, where in the EE database is the content of the low variables located? Not in exp-low-variables.MYD as far as I can tell. But it is perhaps not saved as plain text?
Low 12 Feb 2014 23:15
LV extends native EE global vars, so the names and contents are stored in exp_global_variables.
icebreaker 12 Feb 2014 23:26
OK -- Found it !