Store locator & Product availability : Google maps for expressionengine & Low Search.
I have a store locator made with objectivehtml Google maps for expressionengine, my customer now wants to implement a feature where people can search for the "nearest shop that has a particular product available".
I was thinking to use Playa to make a relationship between shops and products but then i need to "search" :-) and using relationship fields in @objectivehtml module is not allowed.
So I was looking into low search, I have read that it can search "distance" and I have latitue and longitude fields in my shop channel.
Any suggestion?
Francesco @cottonhen
Low 7 Feb 2014 14:27
So, ignoring what Google Maps for EE can do (haven't used it yet, so I can't comment on it), you should be able to use Low Search for the filtering you need.
If the latitude/longitude fields are indeed separate (numeric) fields, and you use relationships to relate products to shops, then yes, you can use the Distance and Relationships filters to generate a list of entries (shops) limited by distance and by relationship (product).
Francesco Pensabene 7 Feb 2014 14:38
Ok thanks!