Show only one event based on the url_segment
Hi. I have a Event list. If you click on the event date you'll be tacken to a reservation form.
Now the Idea is, that if you are on the form page trough the event link, the date is already chosen for you.
So in the event list I wrote the link like this:
{exp:low_events:entries channel="spieldaten" unit="year" show_passed="no"}
(a href="{path="site/tickets"}/{spieldaten_datum:start_date}"){title}(/*a)
this ads the date from the event to the url string as {segment_3}
Now I want only this specific event to show up in the form. But I can't get the entry to show only one event. It always shows every event.
{exp:low_events:entries channel="spieldaten" show_passed="no"}
{if segment_3}
{exp:low_events:entries channel="spieldaten" unit="{segment_3}"}
{spieldaten_datum:start_date format="%d.%m.%Y - %H:%i"}
This gives out every event. But I need only the event from the url_segment. Somethin like limit="1" for normal entries.
Is this somehow possible?
Low 1 Aug 2013 19:58
For showing one event (or entry) you can also just use the channel:entries tag like you would do normally.
Kaspar Allenbach 2 Aug 2013 09:58
Cool. Thanks. Didn't know that.