Popular search terms by collections
Great plugin for Low Search, thanks.
Would it be easy to get a list of popular tags by collection? So...
{exp:low_search:popular limit="10" collection="news"}
(I know the above isn't possible to do at the moment)
At the moment it returns pop searches from all collections and the result urls need to go to different templates on my site - any ideas I could use to get around this?
{exp:low_search:popular} outputs all results from all collections with no way of seeing what collection the results come from. I want to be able to conditionally change the urls.
Many thanks
Low 30 Jul 2013 16:07
Not possible at the moment, as you guessed. And actually much trickier to achieve than you might think, based on how the search details for the log are stored. Nevertheless, I'll treat this as a feature request and take it under consideration.
RobPost 17 Feb 2014 16:15
Is there any progress on this feature request?
Having a similar situation.
Low 17 Feb 2014 16:17
No, it's not planned, actually.