Deprecated function set_variable()
I am getting these two entries in my EE Developer Log since installing LV 2.3.4 on EE 2.6.1:
Deprecated function set_variable() called in C:\Users\Amy\Dropbox\www\ee-uydesignstudio\yoyo\expressionengine\third_party\low_variables\mcp.low_variables.php on line 1422.
Deprecated since 2.6. Use view-> = ; instead.
Deprecated function set_variable() called in C:\Users\Amy\Dropbox\www\ee-uydesignstudio\yoyo\expressionengine\third_party\low_variables\mcp.low_variables.php on line 755.
Deprecated since 2.6. Use view-> = ; instead.
I am running localling on WAMPServer.
Can you advise? Thanks!
Low 10 May 2013 14:08
Don't worry about deprecated functions too much. The add-on will keep working just fine and workarounds are already in place for the upcoming version of Low Variables.
Amy Witty 10 May 2013 14:08
Okay, thanks!