Is there any way to use Dynamo with low_alphabet?
Is there any way to use Dynamo with low_alphabet? I am using it to sort my main entries, and would love to sort the results per letter as well.
I call the dynamo results using
{exp:dynamo:entries channel="mychannel" dynamic_parameters="orderby|limit|sort" search_id="{segment_3}"}
Since exp:dynamo:entries is already replacing the channel:entries tag, I can't replace with the low_alphabet tag and keep the Dynamo sort. Any ideas?
Low 19 Apr 2013 07:18
Well, you either want to show entries by Alphabet or use Dynamo for any other sorting, right? Maybe you can check which tag to use based on the URI? I have used something similar to this:
This checks the URI and sets a preload replace var for the module to use
The preload replace vars will be parsed before tags, so this will work just fine. Does that help?
brian 19 Apr 2013 07:30
Thank you for the extremely speedy reply.
I actually want to use Dynamo to sort my low_alphabet results.
right now I have 1000 entries
I use dynamo to sort the 1000 entries using:
sort asc/desc
sort by date
sort by title
limit results per page 12, 24, 36
I want to use the same sort for all letter A (etc)
so If there are 50 letter A results, then an use the same dynamo sort for those results (letter A) as well...
Low 19 Apr 2013 09:15
The two cannot be combined like that, I'm afraid.
Maybe a low_alphabet:entry_ids might be useful for something like this. Will make a note of that as a Feature Request.