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Save order changes automatically upon drag and drop

IT MMO 8 Mar 2013 16:10 question, complete

Hello, Low:

We're trying out Low Reorder for the first time but have been using REEOrder for a while.

In REEOrder we're used to just drag and drop entries to the order we want and the sorting would be done automatically without having to click on any button manually to save the new order.

But not so with Low Reorder where we need to click on the Save Changes button. So, any way to save the new order automatically upon drag and drop?



  1. Low 8 Mar 2013 16:28

    Personal preference, really. I prefer that you order all the entries the way you want and confirm by saving. It's just one DB action, and that's it. When you save after each drop, there are multiple DB actions, plus, there's more risk of front-end user seeing incorrectly ordered entries when you're busy ordering.

  2. IT MMO 8 Mar 2013 18:31

    Appreciate the quick response, Low.

    From the DB perspective that's a logical thing to do.

    But from the user side it's convenience which matters, one less key stroke which can add up quickly when uploading lots of entries daily, as in a newsroom environment.

    Anyhow, is there any way to incorporate the save-after-each-drop feature?


  3. Low 8 Mar 2013 22:57

    Convenient is relative, of course.

    I'll have to consider what to do with cache, for example. Now, there's a good way to choose to clear cache or not. Doing that automatically isn't always good for heavy traffic sites, for example.

    I'll consider this a feature request and look into it.

  4. IT MMO 12 Mar 2013 13:01

    Hello, Low:

    You said in your last response that clearing cache by default is not necessarily good for heavy sites, like ours.

    So, do we leave the checkbox for "Clear caching" uncheck for each weblog?

    We're still on the old EE 1.6.8 but migrating to EE 2.5.5 in the next few months.


  5. Low 12 Mar 2013 13:09

    Depends per site, really. You'll have to check whether clearing the cache slows things down on your end.

    When you're upgrading, remember to follow the Low Reorder upgrade instructions:

  6. IT MMO 12 Mar 2013 13:26

    How long does the caching last?

    Can it be cleared only by using the "Clear caching" option?


  7. Low 12 Mar 2013 13:29

    It's native cache:

    When you clear it with Low Reorder, it's effectively the same as clearing all the native cache using Tools > Data > Clear caching (all cache) in the CP. Cache is also (partially) cleared when adding/editing entries.

  8. IT MMO 12 Mar 2013 13:32

    Thanks for the clarification, Low.

  9. IT MMO 20 Mar 2013 02:07

    Dear Low:

    Need help with the followings:

    1) Currently, the reordering list shows all entries for every weblog. For example, for World section, we have more than 10000 entries and all would be shown for reordering.

    What we want to do is to list/display only 30 entries but the new ordering should be applied to all entries, does that make sense?

    2) In relation to point 1 above, we're using DESC as the default sort order, so any NEW entry should be placed at the top of the list upon saving, as explained in the module's preferences.

    The problem is when we EDIT an entry and upon saving, it goes to the top of the list. This should not be as we don't want to change the order of the edited entry. So, how to we tackle that?


    P/S: We also bought Low Variables yesterday. Not sure if it comes with freebies anymore as we thought we have seen that offer just before we made the purchase?

  10. Low 20 Mar 2013 08:57

    I take it you're referring to Low Reorder for EE1, still? That version is no longer under development, as EE1 isn't either. With Low Reorder 2 for EE2, you can add more filters to a reorder set, possibly resulting in less entries to reorder.

    The DESC as sort order is changed in LR2 as well, so I do recommend upgrading.

    And what 'freebies' are you referring to?

  11. IT MMO 20 Mar 2013 10:09

    Yes, we're still on EE1.6.8. And, in the process of developing a new backend using EE2.5.5; but, it would only go live sometime in June.

    Obviously, for the next few months we still have to use Low Reorder in EE1, and not easy when having to deal with thousands of entries for every weblog but only the top 30 or so entries are directly affected in every reordering.

    So, to get what we required, we did some quick and rough hacks (not foolproof, for sure) as follow:

    1) in display.php:

    30 )
    $show_entries = 30;

    elseif ( (count($entries) < 30 ) && ( count($entries) > 1 ) )
    $show_entries = count($entries);

    $show_entries = 1;

    < $total; $i++): $row = $entries[$i]; ?>

    2) in mcp.low_reorder.php:

    // modified to 6 from the original 4 to cater to big number of articles

    $new_order = str_pad($new_order, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

    As for the feebies for purchase of Low Variables, we don't remember exactly what they're. If you did not offer any then it could be a case of mistaken identity with another add-on somewhere else.


  12. IT MMO 20 Mar 2013 10:16

    Sending you again the codes as screencapture, somehow truncated earlier.

  13. IT MMO 29 Mar 2013 07:02

    Hello, Low:

    We're facing a situation where the Low Reorder settings for each weblog are reset from time to time. We checked other add-ons we've been using and they don't seem to behave that way; but, only happens to Low Reorder.

    Is it due to the "Clear caching" option? What does that option do exactly?


    Low 29 Mar 2013 07:58

    This is a separate issue than the one originally reported. Please reference the new topic here: Low Reorder 1 settings are reset