Is it possible to search without the query parameter?
Hi Low,
Before the user has done a search I'd like to display the form and have it search with some default options.
I've attempted to hard code some of the fields (this is for a home builder site) but I'm not getting any results. Note I'm not really using keywords for this, instead I'm searching custom fields.
I've simplified the results tag below.
Is this possible?
{exp:low_search:results limit="100" query="" search:home_type="2 Storey" range_from:elevation_price="150000" range_to:elevation_price="500000"}{entry_id}|{/exp:low_search:results}
Low 29 Jan 2013 14:47
Yeah, just using parameters should work. But be sure to omit the query="" parameter altogether, or else it will trigger no_results.
Also, use range-to:elevation_price and range-from:elevation_price (with dashes) or use range:elevation_price="150000;500000".
ansonleclair 29 Jan 2013 15:51
Thanks for the super quick response Low.
The query parameter was causing the issue, now that it's outta there I've got everything else is working.