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Creating a-z pagination using Low Alphabet

Grant 15 Jan 2013 13:00 question, complete

Hi there,

I'm not sure if I'm being a bit daft but I can't seem to find on the documentation how to actually create a pagination list of letters rather than just a big list of all the entries sorted by letter.

The screenshot on the homepage of the Low alphabet is exactly what I need, which I presume would be easy to do but I can't seem to find it.

Can someone help me with this?



  1. Low 15 Jan 2013 14:56

    Hi Grant,

    The screenshot also shows the code used to generate it. Use the low_alphabet:azlist tag to generate the list from A to Z, use the low_alphabet:entries tag to get the entries. Then use the alpha_filter="" parameter to filter by given letter (feeding it a segment).

  2. Grant 15 Jan 2013 15:49

    Hi there,

    Yeah I managed to get it working, my brain wasn't functioning!

    I have got everything working the way I wanted. The only thing is, I have it so it shows all letters but wanted the letters not being used to not have a link so people can clearly see which letters they can select.

    I can't see how this will work with the following code.

    a href = "{site_url}directory" >All

    {exp:low_alphabet:azlist channel="directory" show_empty="yes" numbers="no"}

    | a href = "{path='directory/list/{low_alphabet_url}'}" >{low_alphabet_label}


    Is there any ways you have come across to do this?


  3. Low 15 Jan 2013 16:33

    Try using the {low_alphabet_entries} in a conditional to check whether a letter has entries.

  4. Grant 15 Jan 2013 17:17

    Hi there,

    Great, that works well! Thanks for your help.

  5. Fahad Mahmood 16 May 2017 19:10

    Can we use the same technique other syntax as well?
    I mean to say that without any template parser, like in core PHP?

    I am not sure if same like as Alphabetic Pagination

    Low 17 May 2017 10:03

    Not sure what you mean. Looks like Low Alphabet is practically the same als Alphabetic Pagination for Wordpress, but LA is ExpressionEngine only. If you need something in pure PHP, then this add-on won't help you.

    Fahad Mahmood 17 May 2017 10:21

    I got it then, that's what i was looking for that i can use it standalone or not. Thank you so much. In fact, mostly we can get the code out of CMS specific addons as well with some slight modifications.