Creating a-z pagination using Low Alphabet
Hi there,
I'm not sure if I'm being a bit daft but I can't seem to find on the documentation how to actually create a pagination list of letters rather than just a big list of all the entries sorted by letter.
The screenshot on the homepage of the Low alphabet is exactly what I need, which I presume would be easy to do but I can't seem to find it.
Can someone help me with this?
Low 15 Jan 2013 14:56
Hi Grant,
The screenshot also shows the code used to generate it. Use the low_alphabet:azlist tag to generate the list from A to Z, use the low_alphabet:entries tag to get the entries. Then use the alpha_filter="" parameter to filter by given letter (feeding it a segment).
Grant 15 Jan 2013 15:49
Hi there,
Yeah I managed to get it working, my brain wasn't functioning!
I have got everything working the way I wanted. The only thing is, I have it so it shows all letters but wanted the letters not being used to not have a link so people can clearly see which letters they can select.
I can't see how this will work with the following code.
a href = "{site_url}directory" >All
{exp:low_alphabet:azlist channel="directory" show_empty="yes" numbers="no"}
| a href = "{path='directory/list/{low_alphabet_url}'}" >{low_alphabet_label}
Is there any ways you have come across to do this?
Low 15 Jan 2013 16:33
Try using the {low_alphabet_entries} in a conditional to check whether a letter has entries.
Grant 15 Jan 2013 17:17
Hi there,
Great, that works well! Thanks for your help.
Fahad Mahmood 16 May 2017 19:10
Can we use the same technique other syntax as well?
I mean to say that without any template parser, like in core PHP?
I am not sure if same like as Alphabetic Pagination