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Search:results show titles only

Nutmeg 8 Jan 2013 22:45 problem, complete

First time running the add-on and using the documentation's examples on a dev site, but it will only return some keywords which are in the Entries Title only.

I have indexed the collections, assigned 6 as modifier and 2 for Title weight.

Surely I am missing a setting or a output tag somewhere:-)


{exp:low_search:form collection="services|team|about|clients|contribution" loose_ends="yes" search_mode="all" result_page="search" form_class="form"}

<label for="search-field" style="display: none; ">Search</label>
<input type="text" name="keywords" placeholder="SEARCH" maxlength="100" id="search-field" class="unselected">



<div class="">
{exp:low_search:results query="{segment_2}" status="not closed" limit="10" disable="categories|member_data"}
{if count == 1}
{if low_search_keywords}Searched for <strong>{low_search_keywords}</strong>.{/if}
Total results: <strong>{absolute_results}</strong>.

<div class="entry">
<p>Found in {low_search_collection_label} with a score of {low_search_score}.</p>

<p><a href="{comment_url_title_auto_path}">{comment_url_title_auto_path}</a></p>

<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>

{if no_results}
Sorry, your query did not return any results.
Check your spelling or try a different search term.



  1. Low 8 Jan 2013 22:50

    Have you added weight to any fields other than Title? Make sure they are searchable in the field's settings.