Trying to figure out how to mimic some Channel Entries template code using Low Reorder
I have a "Locations" channel. I have 3 "Region" categories setup for the "Locations" channel. When a location is published you assign it to a "Region" category.
On the front end I want to display a list of the "Regions" and list the channel entries that have that Region under below...
Region 1 (category)
--Location 1 (entry)
--Location 2
Region 2
--Location 3
--Location 4
Region 3
--Location 5
--Location 6
If I use this code below this works fine...
{exp:channel:categories channel="locations" style="linear"}
{exp:channel:entries channel="locations" disable="member_data|pagination" category="{category_id}" dynamic="no"}
<li><a href="">{title}</a></li>
But I want the client to be able to reorder the Locations entries. In Low Reorder I setup sets for the 3 Regions and pointed them to the Locations channel and the correct category.
I tried using the code below in the template, but it doesn't work with multiple sets called out. Is there any way for me to get this working? Thanks for your help!
{exp:channel:categories channel="locations" style="linear"}
{exp:low_reorder:entries set="locations_set1locations_set2|locations_set3" disable="member_data|pagination" dynamic="no"}
<li><a href="">{title}</a></li>
Low 29 Nov 2012 09:07
set="" only takes a single value, so your idea wont work.
Instead, create a single set with a category setting of "show entries per single category". You can then sort entries per given category. After that, make sure you set the set="" and category="" parameters in the low_reorder:entries tag.
thatdeadpixel 29 Nov 2012 13:49
Thanks Low! That worked and that functionality is a lot more dynamic and will work better down the line when more categories are made. Great plugin!