Channel Entry Selection based on Low Events Field?
I am looking for a way to show all the details of a single entry (daily blog). All entries are done at the beginning of the month, but need to be displayed on their corresponding day. Additionally, the option to view tomorrow's post will be available.
Each blog entry has a custom date field that identifies the day of the article.
Question 1: Can LOW Events be used to identify the correct entry based on the custom field. (default view would be today's entry)
Question 2: IF Low Events will work, can I use Importer (solspace) to import entries (including the Low date field) for faster blog entry input (assuming all the entries are in a CSV - formatted correctly)?
Low 4 Oct 2012 07:55
I'd think you're actually better off using the entry_date for this. You're using dates to publish content to the site, rather than an entry being an event. Using the entry_date would be a better fit, I think.
Digital Designs 4 Oct 2012 12:23
I agree that it would work for "today", but how would we display the "tomorrow" entry? (We allow viewers to see today and tomorrow's entries only).
Low 4 Oct 2012 13:24
Well, since it still applies to the entry being published or not, I'd set the entry_date to the date an entry needs to be published. This means setting the entry_date to 1 day earlier than the entry actually applies to. Then use either a custom field to display the date the entry applies to, or use some PHP in the template (or possibly a plugin) to modify the entry_date by a day and outputting it afterwards.