low events showing wrong date?
for some reason all the dates on my site are showing as the 6th, the month and the year are correct but all the dates are the 6th?
The sites still in development so i am not sure if its always been like this?
hmmm its it because i am using stash?, i hope not
{exp:stash:set name='title'}
{segment_3} Exhibitions—{/exp:stash:set}
{exp:stash:set name='maincontent'}
<div id="ex_archive">
<h1 class="ex_arc_head">{segment_3} Exhibitions </h1>
{exp:low_events:entries channel="exhibitions" unit="year" date="{segment_3}" sort="desc" show_active="no" show_upcoming="no" }
<div class="row">
<div class="span3 offset2 ex_arc_thumb"> <a href="{url_title_path='exhibitions/detail'}"><img src="{exhibition_poster:url}" /></a></div>
<div class="span6 offset1 ex_arc_desc">
<a href="{url_title_path="exhibitions/detail"}">
{if exhibition_artists}
{if "{exhibition_artists:total_children}" > 1 }
Group Show
{exhibition_artists limit="1"}<a href="{url_title_path="artists/detail"}">{title}</a>{/exhibition_artists}
<h3>{exhibition_dates:start_date format="%F %g"}–{exhibition_dates:end_date format="%F %g"}</h3>
<h4>{exhibition_location backspace="2"}{title}, {/exhibition_location}</h4>
{/exp:low_events:entries }
<ul class="pager">
{if segment_3 < 2012} <li class="next">{exp:math_plus calculate="{segment_3}+1"}<a href="/exhibitions/archive/{math_plus_result}">{math_plus_result} Exhibitions →</a>{/exp:math_plus}</li>{/if}
{if segment_3 > 2006} <li class="previous">{exp:math_plus calculate="{segment_3}-1"}<a href="/exhibitions/archive/{math_plus_result}">← {math_plus_result} Exhibitions</a>{/exp:math_plus}</li>{/if}
KeithMancuso 27 Aug 2012 22:24
it cant be stash as i just tried a simple test
nothing but events and it still shows just 6th... hmmm
{exp:low_events:entries channel="exhibitions" }
<a href="{url_title_path="exhibitions/detail"}">
<h3>{exhibition_dates:start_date format="%F %g"}–{exhibition_dates:end_date format="%F %g"}</h3>
<h4>{exhibition_location backspace="2"}{title}, {/exhibition_location}</h4>
{/exp:low_events:entries }
KeithMancuso 27 Aug 2012 23:27
seems to only affect %g, %d is loading up fine? reeeeeally odd?
Low 28 Aug 2012 07:02
%g is the "http://php.net/manual/en/function.dat... format of an hour without leading zeros. What formatting are you trying to apply?
KeithMancuso 30 Aug 2012 22:00
ohh jeezz...
nevermind... %j %j, that was the problem,,, duh!
thanks so much