Low Reorder disrespect categories in url
I bought reorder to order my entries. But with the new eel version there is no variable anymore and so I am not able to only show the entries that belongs to a uri category.
I don't want to build different sets for each category.
With reorder 1 it seems to be no problem.
Low 5 Aug 2012 14:43
Hi Jörg,
What is the template code you're using? You can use http://pastie.org for large chunks of code.
Also, what is the URI you're using to display the entries? Are you using the category trigger word or are you using something else?
You can turn on template debugging and look up the lines starting with "Low Reorder" to see what's going on behind the scenes. What do those lines say? You can copy/paste them here or add a screenshot.
gudehus 5 Aug 2012 14:55
I just found the word dynamic in the documentation. It is not in the list of available parameters. Please fix so that people like me don't get confused
Low 5 Aug 2012 14:59
Does this mean it's working for you now? I'd still like to see the template code + URI where it's working and where it's not, just to be sure.
The docs don't have the dynamic="" parameter listed, since that's a native channel:entries parameter and is supported by default.
gudehus 5 Aug 2012 15:08
Here is my code.
Working like I thought it should.
the set contains all entries of the channel. And I want to show only the one in the category shown in the uri
here is a url
kategorie is my category trigger
<nav id="other_sub">
{exp:low_reorder:entries set="1" dynamic="yes"}
<li><a {if url_title == segment_4 || (segment_4 == "" && url_title == segment_3)}class="active"{/if} href="{path=anderes/kategorie/{categories}{category_url_title}{/categories}/{url_title}}">{title}</a></li>
And why are you working on a sunday?
Low 5 Aug 2012 15:11
Well, so are you, aren't you? :)
Anyways, what are the Set's settings? Specifically, the category settings?
Oh, and try and use http://pastie.org for large chunks of code, as GetSet messes things up frequently.