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Unique category url_titles

Sprocket House 27 Jul 2012 15:23 question, complete

Note from the seg2cat docs:

"If there are multiple categories with the same url_title, but in different groups, this extension will only return one of those. So best make sure your category url_titles are unique, or you select the relevant Category Groups in the settings so they are."

Been having this problem, since in my case there's no way around having multiple categories with identical names & URLs. But I don't understand the 2nd half of the 2nd sentence: how do I select the relevant category group? Does that mean in the template or elsewhere? I tried the "category_group" parameter in addition to "category" when building my {exp:channel:entries} string, but it doesn't work. Thanks!


  1. Low 27 Jul 2012 15:25

    In the Low Seg2Cat extension settings, you can select which category groups should be used for the lookup. This is global, not a per-variable parameter.

  2. Sprocket House 27 Jul 2012 15:32

    Damn! That won't work for me, but is good to know. Thanks for the quick reply! seg2cat has saved my bacon so many times... hard to believe it's not native EE functionality.