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categories in Low Events

David 25 Jul 2012 15:31 question, complete

I have a channel dedicated to events. There are Exhibitions, Artist Talks, Concerts etc. I use the ee categories to group them.

I have proplems listing different categories using low_events-tags.

Should it work or should I keep one channel for every category instead?

/regards David S, Sweden


  1. Low 25 Jul 2012 15:40

    Hi David,

    Categories should work normally within Low Events.

    What code are you using now and what is the unexpected result? You can use for large blocks of code.

  2. David 25 Jul 2012 18:03

    hrm... it seems to work just fine! :)

    I have been anxious to involve categories for so long that my knowhow on categories hardly excisted at all. hm....

    And then when I finally realized I can use low_events-tags within the channel:entries-tagpair things started behaving.

    So it seems this thread can be closed, terminated, undone or perhaps printed out, rumpled and used for insulation in scandinavian wooden cottages.

    I sincerely thank you for your time and patience. I will probably be back soon! :)


  3. Low 26 Jul 2012 09:46

    If you're just displaying one event, there's no real need to use the {exp:low_events:entries} tag. You can just use an {exp:channel:entries} tag. But using categories should be identical for both. Just let me know if it doesn't.