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List all past events

Jeff Nordstedt 24 Jul 2012 14:45 question, complete

Is there a simple way to just list all past events?

I worked out a method to achieve it by using the low_events:entries tag, setting date=day before first event, then using the conditional {if '{low_events:start_date format="%Y%m%d"}' } to get it to list past events. It occurs to me that there is probably a simple way to do this and I am just missing it.

Any advice?


  1. Low 24 Jul 2012 14:50

    Someone asked the exact same thing today. Short answer: there isn't a nice way of doing it so far.

    You could use the method you describe and then use the conditional {if low_events_field:passed} to show only passed events, but you'd need to set the limit parameter so all passed events fit.

    I've already started work on something like unit="passed" to work like unit="upcoming" for the next version.

  2. Jeff Nordstedt 24 Jul 2012 15:02

    Got it. A unit="passed" parameter in the future would make this add-on absolutely perfect. Thanks again for speedy reply.

  3. Low 30 Jul 2012 12:30

    Now possible in v1.0.3