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Low Variables Fieldtype & PHP Redirect Template

kgrote 30 Jun 2012 19:37 problem, complete

I'm running a Structure-managed site and have a couple of "pages" in the navigation that link straight to the client's social media sites.

Using this technique, I set up an external redirect template and added a Low Variables fieldtype for my "social media" LV group. The LV field is named "external_link".

Here's my redirect template code:

header( "Location: {exp:channel:entries channel='external_link'}{exp:low_variables:single var='{external_link}'}{/exp:channel:entries}" );

But that outputs a blank template.

If I take out the PHP code and just run a channel entries loop:

{exp:channel:entries channel='external_link'}
<p>{exp:low_variables:single var='{external_link}'}</p>

This outputs paragraph tags but nothing inside.

{exp:channel:entries channel='external_link'}

This outputs the correct variable data (a URL to Twitter).

But this:

header( "Location: {exp:channel:entries channel='external_link'}{external_link:var}{/exp:channel:entries}" );

Gives me the error: "The URI you submitted has disallowed characters." and the page URL changes to

So I'm stumped.


  1. Low 1 Jul 2012 11:23

    I reckon the below code should work, if you've got PHP on Output and the {external_link} var is the name of the custom channel field (the LV fieldtype):

    {exp:channel:entries channel="external_link" limit="1"} 
    header("Location: {exp:low_variables:single var="{external_link}"}");

    If it doesn't, enable template debugging and look up the lines that mention Low Variables and post those here.

  2. kgrote 1 Jul 2012 14:50

    Nope, doesn't work - blank screen.

    Nothing happens when I enable template debugging. Blank screen again!

    And yes, I have the template set to PHP on Output.

  3. Low 1 Jul 2012 20:10

    Okay, that would imply a suppression of a php error.

    Can you give me superadmin access to your installation? If so, you can send the login credentials to hi at gotolow dot com.

  4. Low 2 Jul 2012 15:59

    Turned out it was a VZ URL / Low Variables quirk. I've patched the fieldtype (and Eli's mentioned he's going to add it to his add-on), so now it works correctly.