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Set filtered by single category

leeaston 20 May 2012 20:44 question, complete

Hi Low, does this "{categories}{category_id}{/categories}" look right in the tag below? The set is filtered on a single category?

{exp:low_reorder:next_entry set="5" category="{categories}{category_id}{/categories}" entry_id="{entry_id}" prefix="next_" loop="yes"}
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  1. Low 21 May 2012 08:37

    I take it you've got the low_reorder:next_entry tag nested in either a low_reorder:entries tag or channel:entries tag?

    In that case, it could work. However, it will only work if there's just one category assigned to the entry. You could make sure it only returns one category like this:

    {categories limit="1"}{category_id}{/categories}

    If you've got the category in the URL somewhere, you're probably better off using something like Low Seg2Cat.