Search returns error "Could not Parse XML"
Low GoogleSearch returns "The following errors were encountered: Could not parse XML" instead of search results when using a Google Site Search. It also goes to a default EE error page, not the actual template that the search files are loading into.
Low 25 Jan 2012 07:48
Hi Jason,
What happens if you set the fail="show" parameter? Does that give you a more verbose error message?
If that doesn't help you out, then please send me your cx code used for your GSS, so I can test it locally.
Jason Julien 25 Jan 2012 13:50
Adding the fail="show" didn't provide any other info. I've sent the cx code via email.
Low 25 Jan 2012 14:04
Turned out there was a typo in the cx code. Fixing that solved the issue.
Jason Julien 25 Jan 2012 14:12
Thanks Low, great service!