Extra custom field?
Hi. Okay, this may be a bit of a tall order, but I was wondering how I could get a thumbnail from a standard EE file field to display next to the title in the reorder page.
I managed to get the path to display, i.e. {filedir_2}nameoffile.jpg but I cant work out how I can get the {filedir_2} part to locate the correct location.
Is there any way you could help me with this?
Thank you
Low 5 Jan 2012 13:21
Well, this requires hacking the CP file, which is of course not supported. But if you need to replace the {filedir_x} variables, I believe the Typography class takes care of that.
ChristopherDavies 5 Jan 2012 13:38
Unfortunately my level of coding means I don't have a clue how I can accomplish that! Would you be willing to share with me how I can achieve this? as I imagine a lot of other uses would like to do this.
Many Thanks
Low 5 Jan 2012 14:29
I already did some research about adding extra custom fields to the reorder list. Take a look at this reply to a feature request. Adding custom fields to the reorder list is not an easy feat, especially taking 3rd party field types into account. That's why it's not possible at the moment.
I will try and examine some sort of alternative for version 2, but it will take significant rewrite of the code.