exp:playa tags within exp:low_search:results
Is it possible to use exp:playa:children/parents/siblings tags with a low_search:results loop?
exp:playa:xxx requires you to pass an entry_id param, UNLESS you are in a channel:entries loop, then it gets picked up automatically.
Since both are modules and parsed inward, it seemed like just setting entry_id="{entry_id}" on the exp:playa tag would work, but it doesn't seem to. The {entry_id} seems to get replaced to an empty string before playa can parse.
Low 24 Nov 2011 12:30
Hi Tim,
Low Search actually calls the channel:entries tag behind the scenes. Have you tried omitting the entry_id parameter? I just did a test where adding it actually resulted in an unexpected result...
And are you using the latest Low Search version?
Tim Kelty 25 Nov 2011 16:41
Huh, now it seems to be working (without the entry_id param).
I could have swore, before when I was trying it without the entry_id param, it was doing something crazy like hijacking the low_search results loop and just showing the playa loop.
Welp, don't see that now, so I must be nuts. Thanks!
Low 30 Nov 2011 10:30
Well, glad it works! :)