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Low Reorder fieldtype displaying number instead of field text

wonko 17 Aug 2011 02:52 problem, rejected


When I use the Low Reorder fieldtype the output on the page is the number of the order. For example, instead of the text I entered in the field, I'll see the number 1.

If I change the fieldtype to text input, the field that was a Low Reorder fieldtype turns into a number (0001 in this case) instead of displaying the text.

How can I have the text appear as it should?


  1. Low 17 Aug 2011 07:05

    Hi! The Low Reorder field should contain a number. Also, it should be hidden in the publish form, as it is only used to keep track of the sort order of your entries. The number is automatically updated when you reorder your entries using the Low Reorder module. What text were you expecting to appear?

  2. wonko 17 Aug 2011 10:43


    I get it now. I assumed that you could simply convert an existing field to a Low Reorder field.

    I've added a new Low Reorder field that doesn't show on the Publish page and all is well.

    Thanks for your quick reply.